Take A Step Back?

Wow, well first let me apologize for kinda disappearing. I still love you all. 🙂

Life can get in the way often to well. Even when it comes to our pups.

This post is helping me to reflect as well, taking a step back….from agility?
Well yeah. 

Maybe sometimes we feel like our dogs aren’t the preferred partner, the fastest or just the most willing to work with us. It can hurt when you think about it. So maybe it is ok to take a step back and backtrack, or even take a break.

Whinnie has taken to agility with flying colors and her only difficult obstacle yet to come is the weaves, the 2×2 method is working..slowly,….but surely.

But lately her will to work with me is fading, almost gone when it comes to agility. Granted yes she has never been an easy dog  but I can sure as hell tell when she just plain does not want to do something.

And she doesn’t. So we took a break. I did not want to whatsoever at first and still don’t like to just stop but I feel like I had no choice, I wanted her to enjoy running and being my partner so I was not up for forcing her to do sequences. I am still in a frustrated mode but I do not like to show it to her.


As bad as we want to just jump into the agilitiez world and compete, maybe stop right before and read your pup to see if the will is there, the happiness to be on the field as a partner. If not, take a stepback and re do some of it. It is ok, no matter how old, fresh, or new your pup is.

She has drive. boy oh boy does she have drive! Disc is her world, but transferring her drive from disc to agility is seemingly challenging. Maybe I have just been a shit mood as of late too, who knows. But when she improves on something I do as well, seeing her love to work and achieve something brightens my world like no other. I want her to succeed so please do not forget to set your dog up for success. 

Then the love will follow.


Ugh maybe I just needed to rant, God knows.


I will be letting you know how it goes with Whin, after the humidity dies down and these storms pass we will see what happens.

Thank you for your time,

